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IV. Splay Trees

Self-balancing binary tree with persistent access memory



Suppose you want to keep an ordered mapping of keys to values. If the contents are dynamic, a self-balancing tree (i.e. AVL, red-black, etc.) is desirable to allow for logarithmic modification and access operations.

What if repeated access are expected? Specifically, if a value is queried several times and is located at a leaf, then each operation has $\mathcal{O}(\log n)$ time complexity. But we already know the value after the first query. We should be caching accesses.

Splay Tree

The splay tree is a self-balancing binary tree with the property that accesses are cached through its internal structure.

Operations on a splay tree are approximately the same as those of other self-balancing trees: $\mathcal{O}(\log n)$ amortized.

At a high level, any operation on a node $N$ restructures the tree so that $N$ becomes the new root. Thus, repeated queries have $\mathcal{O}(1)$ time complexity.



There are three splay steps for moving $N$ to the root (in these cases, $x$ upwards). Each is constructed using rotations. Each of these three have a mirror version. Zig is specifically for when $x$ is the child of the root node.


When $y$ is the root.







The arrows above signify rotations.

The arrows below signify splay steps.

Rotations make up splay steps, but for analysis purposes we only care about splay steps.


Whenever we want to access (i.e. find the mapped value of) $N$, we traverse to $N$ and then splay it to the root.










Purely for the purposes of analysis, assign each node $x$ with weight $w(x)>0$.


Let $T(x)$ denote the subtree rooted at node $x$. $$s(x)=\sum_{y\in T(x)} w(y)$$



Observe that in a rotation between nodes $x,y$, the sizes (and thus ranks) of only $x,y$ change. Thus, splay steps only alter the ranks of the nodes they involve.


Let $T$ denote the entire tree state. $$\Phi(T)=\sum_{x\in T}r(x)$$


Let $w(\cdot)=1$. Sizes $s(x)$ on left and ranks $r(x)$ on right.



Observe that when $w(\cdot)=1$, $\Phi(T)=\mathcal{O}(n)$ when $T$ is balanced, and $\Phi(T)=\mathcal{O}(n\log n)$ when $T$ is most unbalanced (long chain)

Access Lemma

The amortized time cost for splaying node $x$ on tree $T$ with root $t$ is at most the following (regardless of $w$):

Recall: $$ac_i = c_i + \Phi(S_i)-\Phi(S_{i-1})$$

This is a very tedious and dense proof. You’ll be fine if you take my word for it that the lemma is true.

Observe that if two siblings have the same rank $r$, then their sizes are at least $2^r$. Thus, their parent has size at least $2\cdot 2^r=2^{r+1}$. Thus, the parent node has rank at least $r+1$.

Conversely, observe that if a node $x$ and its parent have the same rank $r$, then the sibling of $x$ must have rank less than $r$.

Call this observation the Rank Rule.

Call $T_i$ the tree state after splay step $i$, where $T_0=T$. Let $r_i(n)$ be the rank of node $n$ in $T_i$.

We define $ac_i’=c_i’+\Phi(T_i)-\Phi(T_{i-1})$, $c_i’$ is the cost of the $i$th splay step and $ac_i’$ is the amortized cost of the $i$th splay step. Observe that a splay with $k$ splay steps is consistent with global $ac$: $$\begin{align*}ac&=\sum_iac_i’\newline&=\sum_ic_i’+(\Phi(T_k)-\Phi(T_{k-1}))+…+(\Phi(T_1)-\Phi(T))\newline&=c+\Phi(T_k)-\Phi(T)\end{align*}$$

For readibility purposes, if $i$ is fixed at a proof step, we will refer to $i$ as $\text{curr}$ and $i-1$ as $\text{prev}$.

We will show that if splay step $i$ is a zig step moving node $a$ upwards to $b$: $$ac_\text{curr}’\leq 3(r_\text{prev}(b)-r_\text{prev}(a))+1$$ We will also show that if splay step $i$ is either a zig-zag or zig-zig step: $$ac_\text{curr}’\leq 3(r_\text{prev}(b)-r_\text{prev}(a))$$

Since the zig step can occur at most once, we would be able to prove the problem statement.
$$ac=\sum_iac_i’\leq 1 + \underbrace{3(r(t) -r(x))}_{\text{telescopes}}$$



This can only occur if $b$ is the root. Since the rank on the root is constant (sum of all weights is constant): $$r_\text{curr}(a)=r_\text{prev}(b)$$

Since the rank of a child is at most that of its parent: $$r_\text{curr}(b)\leq r_\text{curr}(a)=r_\text{prev}(b)$$

The root node still has rank $r_\text{prev}(b)$ (no change) and its child at most increases from $r_\text{prev}(a)$ to $r_\text{prev}(b)$.

$$\Phi(T_\text{curr})-\Phi(T_\text{prev})\leq r_\text{prev}(b)-r_\text{prev}(a)$$
$$ac \leq 1 + r_\text{prev}(b)-r_\text{prev}(a)\leq 3(r_\text{prev}(b)-r_\text{prev}(a))+1$$



Case $r_\text{prev}(a)=r_\text{prev}(b)$

Since the rank of a node is lower bounded by the rank of its child, $r_\text{prev}(c)=r_\text{prev}(a)=r_\text{prev}(b)$.

Recall that since the sum of the weights of the subtree are the same, $r_\text{prev}(b)=r_\text{curr}(a)$. By the Rank Rule: $$r_\text{curr}(c)<r_\text{curr}(a) \text{ OR } r_\text{curr}(b)<r_\text{curr}(a)$$ Since $r(\cdot)$ is integral, $$r_\text{curr}(c)\leq r_\text{curr}(a) - 1 \text{ OR } r_\text{curr}(b)\leq r_\text{curr}(a) - 1$$

$$\begin{align*}\Phi(T_\text{curr})-\Phi(T_\text{prev})&= (r_\text{curr}(a) + r_\text{curr}(b) + r_\text{curr}(c))-(r_\text{prev}(a) + r_\text{prev}(b) + r_\text{prev}(c))\newline &\leq r_\text{curr}(a) + (r_\text{curr}(a) + r_\text{curr}(a) - 1)-(r_\text{curr}(a) + r_\text{curr}(a) + r_\text{curr}(a))\newline &= -1\end{align*}$$
$$ac \leq 1 - 1 =0 \leq 3(r_\text{prev}(b)-r_\text{prev}(a))$$

Case $r_\text{prev}(a)<r_\text{prev}(b)$

Since $r(\cdot)$ is integral and $r_\text{prev}(a)<r_\text{prev}(b)$,

$$r_\text{prev}(a)+1\leq r_\text{prev}(b)$$

As before, $r_\text{prev}(b)=r_\text{curr}(a)$, and all node ranks are upper bounded by those of their parents.

$$\begin{align*}\Phi(T_\text{curr})-\Phi(T_\text{prev})&= (r_\text{curr}(a) + r_\text{curr}(b) + r_\text{curr}(c))-(r_\text{prev}(a) + r_\text{prev}(b) + r_\text{prev}(c))\newline &\leq r_\text{prev}(b) + r_\text{prev}(b) + r_\text{prev}(b)-(r_\text{prev}(a) + (r_\text{prev}(a)+1) + r_\text{prev}(a))\newline &= 3(r_\text{prev}(b)-r_\text{prev}(a))-1\end{align*}$$

$$ac \leq 1 + 3(r_\text{prev}(b)-r_\text{prev}(a))- 1 = 3(r_\text{prev}(b)-r_\text{prev}(a))$$


Case $r_\text{prev}(a)=r_\text{prev}(b)$

Since the rank of a node is lower bounded by the rank of its child, $r_\text{prev}(c)=r_\text{prev}(a)=r_\text{prev}(b)$.

As before, $r_\text{prev}(b)=r_\text{curr}(a)$, and all node ranks are upper bounded by those of their parents.

Let $r_\text{inter}(\cdot)$ indicate node ranks in the intermediate rotation (rooted at $c$). Observe that $r_\text{prev}(a)=r_\text{inter}(a)$ and $r_\text{inter}(b)=r_\text{curr}(b)$ since their children remain the same. By the Rank Rule, $r_\text{inter}(b) < r_\text{inter}(c)=r_\text{inter}(a)$. Because $r(\cdot)$ is integral, $$r_\text{curr}(b)\leq r_\text{curr}(a)-1$$


$$\begin{align*}\Phi(T_\text{curr})-\Phi(T_\text{prev})&= (r_\text{curr}(a) + r_\text{curr}(b) + r_\text{curr}(c))-(r_\text{prev}(a) + r_\text{prev}(b) + r_\text{prev}(c))\newline &\leq r_\text{curr}(a) + (r_\text{curr}(a)-1) + r_\text{curr}(a) - (r_\text{curr}(a) + r_\text{curr}(a) + r_\text{curr}(a))\newline &= -1\end{align*}$$

$$ac \leq 1 - 1 =0 \leq 3(r_\text{prev}(b)-r_\text{prev}(a))$$

Case $r_\text{prev}(a)<r_\text{prev}(b)$

Since $r(\cdot)$ is integral and $r_\text{prev}(a)<r_\text{prev}(b)$,

$$r_\text{prev}(a)+1\leq r_\text{prev}(b)$$

As before, $r_\text{prev}(b)=r_\text{curr}(a)$, and all node ranks are upper bounded by those of their parents.

$$\begin{align*}\Phi(T_\text{curr})-\Phi(T_\text{prev})&= (r_\text{curr}(a) + r_\text{curr}(b) + r_\text{curr}(c))-(r_\text{prev}(a) + r_\text{prev}(b) + r_\text{prev}(c))\newline &\leq r_\text{prev}(b) + r_\text{prev}(b) + r_\text{prev}(b)-(r_\text{prev}(a) + (r_\text{prev}(a)+1) + r_\text{prev}(a))\newline &= 3(r_\text{prev}(b)-r_\text{prev}(a))-1\end{align*}$$

$$ac \leq 1 + 3(r_\text{prev}(b)-r_\text{prev}(a))- 1 = 3(r_\text{prev}(b)-r_\text{prev}(a))$$

Balance Theorem

A sequence of $k$ splays in a tree of $n$ nodes has time complexity $$\mathcal{O}(k\log n + n\log n)$$
Set $w(\cdot)=1$. By the Access Lemma,
$$\begin{align*}ac_i &= c_i + \Phi(T_i)-\Phi(T_{i-1}) \newline&\leq 3(r(t)-r(x) + 1\newline&\leq 3(\log_2(n)-0)+1\newline&\leq 3\log_2(n)+1\end{align*}$$
$$\sum_i ac_i = \sum_i c_i + \Phi(T_m)-\Phi(T_{0}) \leq k (3\log_2 n + 1)$$
Since $\log(\cdot)>0$ and $r(t)\leq\log_2 n$, $$0\leq \Phi(T)\leq n\log_2 n$$
$$\begin{align*}\sum_i c_i -n \log_2 n &\leq k (3\log_2 n + 1)\newline\sum_i c_i &\leq n \log_2 n + k (3\log_2 n + 1)\newline&\in\mathcal{O}(k\log n + n\log n)\end{align*}$$



As we mentioned before, access searches for a node $x$ then splays it if found. Since binary search has time complexity $\mathcal{O}(\log n)$, the work is dominated by the splaying.


First, traverse $T$ as if to search for the node $x$. Once we reach a node $n$ and cannot traverse further (i.e. $\texttt{insert}(3)$ but the $2$ node has no right child), splay $n$.

Now, we can insert $x$ appropriately into $T$.


Again, the search and insertion ($\mathcal{O}(1)$) is dominated by the splaying.


First, splay the node we want to delete $x$. Now consider its children subtrees $L,R$. After removing $x$, splay the right-most node in $L$. Clearly, this new $L’$ has no right child. Set $R$ to be its new right child.


As before, the search is dominated by the two splaying operations.

Above and Beyond

Static Optimality

Let T be any static search tree with $n$ nodes. Let $t$ be the cost of searching for all nodes in a sequence of $s$ accesses (sum of depths of all nodes). The cost of splaying that sequence of requests, starting with any initial splay tree is $\mathcal{O}(n^2+t)$.

Can be proved with $w(x)=\text{number of times $x$ is accessed)}$

For a static tree $T$, $n$ is constant. This is powerful since essentially, splay trees perform only a constant sum ($n^2$) of work worse than the most optimal tree for $s$.

Sequential Access

The cost of accessing each of the $n$ nodes in a tree in in-order order is $\mathcal{O}(n)$
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