Monads are structures that wrap values. They are useful for creating computation pipelines that abstract away control flow and side effects.
Return and Bind
A monad of type $\texttt{‘a t}$ has the following functions.
$$ \begin{align*} &\texttt{return: ‘a -> ‘a t}\newline &\texttt{bind: ‘a t -> (‘a -> ‘b t) -> ‘b t} \end{align*} $$
Monads are parametric types. $\texttt{t}$ represents the monad itself and $\texttt{‘a}$ is the type parameter.
For example, $\texttt{Option}$ is a monad. The value it wraps has the parameter type $\texttt{‘a}$. So, you could have types like $\texttt{int Option}$ or $\texttt{string Option}$.
$\texttt{‘b}$ is another parameter. Bind takes a function that essentially “maps” the current monad type parameter $\texttt{‘a}$ to another monad of type $\texttt{‘b}$.
It helps to follow the types. $\texttt{return}$ constructs the monad from a value. $\texttt{bind}$ transforms the value within the monad (computation pipeline).
The definition for the monadic function $\texttt{map}$ follows from the functions above.
$$ \begin{align*} &\texttt{map: ‘a t -> (‘a -> ‘b) -> ‘b t}\newline &\newline &\texttt{let map t f =}\newline &\texttt{\qquad let g a = return (f a) in}\newline &\texttt{\qquad bind t g} \end{align*} $$
$\texttt{map}$ is the same as $\texttt{bind}$ except the function ($\texttt{f}$) returns a raw $\texttt{‘b}$ rather than a $\texttt{‘b t}$.
Here, we construct the $\texttt{g}$ necessary for $\texttt{bind}$ by just applying $\texttt{return}$ to the result of $\texttt{f}$.
OCaml ppx_let
The ppx_let library for OCaml provides an elegant way to code with monads.
Although The ppx_let library introduces various monadic syntax (i.e. monadic pattern matching), we will only display monadic let bindings.
They work similarly to these monadic let bindings (see documentation).
$$ \begin{align*} &\texttt{let\%bind a = a\_monad in (* a : ‘a; a\_monad : ‘a t *)}\newline &\texttt{\qquad …}\newline &\texttt{\qquad b\_monad (* b\_monad : ‘b t *)} \end{align*} $$
$\texttt{(* … *)}$ are comments.
With this syntactic sugar, we define the function parameter in (call it $\texttt{f}$ with type $\texttt{‘a -> ‘b t}$) in the body of the $\texttt{let\%bind}$, where $\texttt{a}$ is the parameter to $\texttt{f}$.
$$ \begin{align*} &\texttt{let\%map a = a\_monad in (* a : ‘a; a\_monad : ‘a t *)}\newline &\texttt{\qquad …}\newline &\texttt{\qquad b (* b : ‘b *)} \end{align*} $$
$\texttt{let\%map}$ does basically the same thing except the return type of its body is just a $\texttt{‘b}$ (as is in $\texttt{f}$ with type $\texttt{‘a -> ‘b}$).
These might be easier to grasp with the examples below.
Important to note that the type of the entire $\texttt{let\%bind}$ and $\texttt{let\%map}$ expressions are $\texttt{‘b t}$, consistent with the return types of $\texttt{bind}$ and $\texttt{map}$.
Typically, to chain monadic operations we will end with a single $\texttt{let\%map}$. All previous bindings will be $\texttt{let\%bind}$.
$$ \begin{align*} &\texttt{let\%bind a = a\_monad in}\newline &\texttt{let\%bind b = b\_monad in}\newline &\texttt{let\%bind c = c\_monad in}\newline &\texttt{let\%map d = d\_monad in}\newline &\texttt{(a, b, c, d)} \end{align*} $$
Why is this the case?
- $\texttt{let\%bind}$ expects its function parameter to return a monad, which both $\texttt{let\%bind}$ and $\texttt{let\%map}$ do. This is why all except the last level must be $\texttt{let\%bind}$.
- It is natural to perform computations without monads. Since this usually occurs after “unwrapping” all the monads, the last level is usually a $\texttt{let\%map}$.
Note that if the last level were a $\texttt{let\%bind}$, we would have to return a monad.
$$ \begin{align*} &\texttt{let\%bind a = a\_monad in}\newline &\texttt{let\%bind b = b\_monad in}\newline &\texttt{let\%bind c = c\_monad in}\newline &\texttt{let\%bind d = d\_monad in}\newline &\texttt{return (a, b, c, d)} \end{align*} $$
Options give optionality to the existence of an underlying value.
$$ \begin{align*} &\texttt{type ‘a Option =}\newline &\texttt{\quad | None}\newline &\texttt{\quad | Some of ‘a}\newline &\newline &\texttt{let return a = Some a }\newline &\texttt{let bind a\_opt f =}\newline &\texttt{\qquad match a\_opt with}\newline &\texttt{\qquad \qquad None -> None}\newline &\texttt{\qquad \quad | Some a -> f a} \end{align*} $$
Suppose we want to implement the $\texttt{option\_plus}$ function which operates on two parameters of type $\texttt{int Option}$.
$$ \begin{align*} &\texttt{let option\_plus (a\_opt : int Option) (b\_opt : int Option) : int Option =}\newline &\texttt{\qquad let\%bind a = a\_opt in}\newline &\texttt{\qquad let\%map b = b\_opt in}\newline &\texttt{\qquad a + b} \end{align*} $$
This is much more elegant than “if-statement spamming” (or in OCaml, “pattern match spamming”).
$$ \begin{align*} &\texttt{let option\_plus (a\_opt : int Option) (b\_opt : int Option) : int Option =}\newline &\texttt{\qquad match a\_opt with}\newline &\texttt{\qquad \qquad None -> None}\newline &\texttt{\qquad \quad | Some a ->}\newline &\texttt{\qquad \qquad (match b\_opt with}\newline &\texttt{\qquad \qquad \qquad None -> None}\newline &\texttt{\qquad \quad \qquad | Some b -> a + b)} \end{align*} $$
Results allow values to have a fail condition. They are like options except we can tag the $\texttt{None}$ case with information (i.e. error information).
$$ \begin{align*} &\texttt{type (‘a, ‘b) Result =}\newline &\texttt{\quad | Ok of ‘a}\newline &\texttt{\quad | Error of ‘b}\newline &\newline &\texttt{let return a = Ok a }\newline &\texttt{let bind a\_res f =}\newline &\texttt{\qquad match a\_res with}\newline &\texttt{\qquad \qquad Ok a -> f a}\newline &\texttt{\qquad \quad | Error \_ as err -> err} \end{align*} $$
The $\texttt{Error \_ as err -> err}$ just assigns the entire result into $\texttt{err}$. Alternatively, we could have written $\texttt{Error e -> Error e}$.
Suppose we have a function $\texttt{input: unit -> string}$ which reads from $\texttt{stdin}$.
The $\texttt{unit}$ type has only one possible value: $\texttt{()}$. It is useful for when we want a function that requires zero arguments.
Suppose we have a function which attempts to convert a $\texttt{string}$ to an $\texttt{int}$ and stores the error as a $\texttt{string}$.
$$\texttt{atoi: string -> (int, string) Result}$$
Now, let’s write a function to add two user inputs.
$$ \begin{align*} &\texttt{let add\_user\_inputs (() : unit) : (int, string) Result =}\newline &\texttt{\qquad let\%bind a = input () |> atoi in}\newline &\texttt{\qquad let\%map b = input () |> atoi in}\newline &\texttt{\qquad a + b} \end{align*} $$
$\texttt{input () |> atoi}$ is syntactic sugar for $\texttt{atoi (input ())}$
Deferreds allow us to make asynchronous computation. The implementation is a bit more involved, since the idea is computation is queued to a scheduler within a deferred monad. For this reason, the following code is pseudocode.
$$ \begin{align*} &\texttt{type ‘a Deferred =}\newline &\texttt{\quad | Determined of ‘a}\newline &\texttt{\quad | Undetermined}\newline &\newline &\texttt{let return a = Determined a }\newline &\texttt{let bind a\_def f = …}\newline &\texttt{(* f is queued on the scheduler. The return value of the bind}\newline &\texttt{ * (call it x) resolves immediately to undetermined. Upon f’s}\newline &\texttt{ * execution completion, x becomes a determined. Monadic chains}\newline &\texttt{ * (bind to bind to … to bind to map) continue asynchronously}\newline &\texttt{ * on x.}\newline &\texttt{ *}\newline &\texttt{ * These deferred monadic chains are “upon” computations.}\newline &\texttt{ *)}\newline \end{align*} $$
Suppose we have a function write a function to crawl a webpage and click all links and print visited urls. The function halts once it has reached a given depth (all links on the first page result have depth $1$; all of their links have depth $2$; etc).
Here are the functions we are given to use:
- $\texttt{print: string -> unit}$ outputs to $\texttt{stdout}$
- $\texttt{curl: string -> string Deferred}$ queries the web for an html page given its web address
- $\texttt{get\_links: string -> string List}$ grabs a list of all links on an html page
- $\texttt{ ‘a List -> (‘a -> ‘b) -> ‘b List}$ takes a list of items and performs a computation on all of its elements
- $\texttt{Deferred.all: ‘a Deferred List -> ‘a List Deferred}$ transforms a list of deferreds into a single deferred holding a list
Notice the $\texttt{}$. Indeed there exists a list monad! We will not be covering it.
$$ \begin{align*} &\texttt{let crawl (i : int) (url : string) : unit Deferred =}\newline &\texttt{\qquad let () = print url in}\newline &\texttt{\qquad if i = 0 then return () else}\newline &\texttt{\qquad let j = i - 1 in}\newline &\texttt{\qquad let\%bind html = curl url in}\newline &\texttt{\qquad let links = get\_links html in}\newline &\texttt{\qquad let crawls = links (crawl j) in}\newline &\texttt{\qquad let\%map (\_ : unit List) = Deferred.all crawls in}\newline &\texttt{\qquad ()} \end{align*} $$
Note that $\texttt{crawl}$ is non-blocking. If we call it, it will immediately return a $\texttt{unit Deferred}$ and we can continue the program ($\texttt{crawl}$ is queued by the scheduler). If at any point, we want to block until $\texttt{crawl}$ completes, we can monadic bind on the $\texttt{unit Deferred}$ return value.
$$ \begin{align*} &\texttt{let unit\_def = crawl 5 “” in}\newline &\texttt{(* … do some stuff … *)}\newline &\texttt{let\%map () = unit\_def in ()}\newline \end{align*} $$